

                                     Gradus H.

                                                                                      Nordhorn, 2016


Een voorbeeldpoging om de Bijbel via het Hebreeuws beter te begrijpen!


Genesis 1


In den beginne = In a beginning,  at the first = בְּרֵאשִׁית - B-R-A-Sh-I-Ta = 2-200-1-300-10-400 = 913

  [opmerking: in de hoofdgrondzaak – er was nl. geen begin! – vanuit de Vorst]



schiep [splitst]            בָּרָא = created, made   B-R-A =2-200-1 = 203


God = Alhim =  אֱלֹהִים = Elohim = A-L-H-I-M = 1-30-5-10-40 = 86


the = אֵת  = ATa  = 1-400 = 401

de hemel = the heavens          הַשָּׁמַיִם=  H-Sh-M-I-M =  5-300-40-10-40 = 395                                      

en de  =   וְאֵת = W=ATa  =  6-1-400 = 407

en aarde = and the earth     הָאָרֶץ  = H-A-R-Ts = 5-1-200-90 = 296   -   2701


Gen. 1:2 

                    [surface = oppervlakte]

                                   [abyss = afgrond]

                                   [darkness = duisternis]

De  aarde nu = as  for the earth, and the earth = וְהָאָרֶ = W-H-A-R-Ts = 6-5-1-200-90 = 302

is, was, she became to be a, it came to be a = הָיְתָה = H-I-Ta = 5-100-400-5 = 420

woest = chaos , waste  תֹהוּ = Ta-H-W = 400-5-6 = 411

en ledig [nietig] = and vacant, [vacancy] and without form, and void  = וָבֹהוּ  = W-B-H-W = 6-2-5-6 = 19

en duisternis = and darkness, and it was dark   וָבֹהוּ = W-Ch-Sh-K = 6-8-300-20 = 334

was op de, boven – was over = עַל = O-L = 70-30 = 100

afgrond, oppervlak, surface of =  פְּנֵי = P-N-I = 80-50-10 = 140

watermassa =  the abyss, was upon the face of the deep  =  תְהֹום  = Ta-H-W-40 = 400-5-6 = 451       [Tehom]

en Geest, and spirit of = וְרוּחַ = W-R-W-Ch =6-200-6-8 = 220

God, Elohim = אֱלֹהִים = A-L-H-I-M = 1-30-5-10-40 = 86

zwevend, zweefde, surfaces of, the surface of, was vibrating =  מְרַחֶפֶת = M-R-Ch-P-Ta = 49-200-8-80-400 = 728

was moving on the face of the waters, moved upon the face of the waters

over, boven = עַל = O-L = 70-30 = 100

oppervlak =  פְּנֵי = P-N-I = 80-50-10 = 140

de wateren, the waters = הַמָּיִם = H-M-I-M = 5-40-10-40 = 95


Gen 1:3 

en Hij zeide = and He said, and He is saying =  וַיֹּאמֶר = W-I-A-M-R = 6-10-1-40-200 = 257

God  = Elohim   אֱלֹהִים = A-L-H-I-M = 1-30-5-10-40 = 86


het is, daar zij = let come to be, let there be, = יְהִי = I-H-I = 10-5-10 = 25

licht, light = אֹור = A-W-R = 1-6-200 = 207


en daar werd, en het is = and came to be, and there was,  and he is becoming,

he shall become light = וַיְהִי = W-I-H-I = 6-10-5-10 = 31

licht, light = = אֹור = A-W-R = 1-6-200 = 207


Gen. 1:4   

en God zag het licht = Elohim  saw the light, and God, looking on the light, and He is seeing = וַיַּרְא  = W-J-R-A = 6-10-200-1= 217

Elohim = אֱלֹהִים = A-L-H-I-M = 1-30-5-10-40 = 86

de, the = אֶת = A-Ta = 1-400 = 401

het licht = the light = הָאֹור = H-A-W-R = 5-1-6-200 = 212

het was, dat was, wat was, it was, that was= כִּי = K-I = 20-10 = 30

goed= good = טֹוב = T-W-B = 9-6-2 = 17

en Hij maakt scheiding tussen, en Hij  scheidde  = and He separated, and He is separating, and He made = וַיַּבְדֵּל  W-I-B-D-L = 6-10-2-4-30 = 52

                                               [divides, division = verdelen, splitsen]

                                               [separated = scheiden]

Elohim = אֱלֹהִים = A-L-H-I-M = 1-30-5-10-40 = 86

tussen = between =  בֵּין = B-I-N = 2-10-50 = 62

het licht = the light = הָאֹור = H-A-W-R = 5-1-6-200 = 212

en tussen, and between = וּבֵין = W-B-I-N = 6-2-10-50 = 68

de duisternis, the darkness = הַחֹשֶׁךְ = H-Ch-Sh-K = 5-8-300-20 = 333



Gen. 1:5 

en Hij noemde = and He is calling = וַיִּקְרָא = W-I-Q-R-A = 6-10-100-200-1 = 317

Elohim = אֱלֹהִים = A-L-H-I-M = 1-30-5-10-40 = 86

tot het  licht = to the light = לָאֹור = L-A-W-R = 30-1-6-200 = 237

dag, day  = יֹום = 10-6-40 = 56

en tot de duisternis, and to the darkness = וְלַחֹשֶׁךְ = W-L-Ch-Sh-K = 6-30-8-300-20 = 364

wordt geroepen, he called =  קָרָא = K-R-A = 100-200-1 = 301

nacht, night = לָיְלָה = L-I-L-H = 30-10-30-5 = 75

en het is = and he is becoming = וַיְהִי = W-I-H-I = 6-10-5-10 = 31

avond, evening = עֶרֶב = O-R-B = 70-200-2 = 272

en het is = and he is becoming = וַיְהִי = W-I-H-I = 6-10-5-10 = 31

ochtend, morning = בֹקֶר = B-Q-R = 2-100-200 = 302

dag = day = יֹום = J-W-M = 10-6-40 = 56

een, one = אֶחָד = A-Ch-D = 1-8-4 = 13

and God naming the ligt Day – and Elohim called the light Day

and the dark Night, and the darkness He called Night

and there was evening, and the evening, and evening came to be, toen was het avond geweest

and there was morning, and the morning came to be, en het was morgen geweest

                        [called = noemen, benoemen, roepen]

the first day, were the first day,  day one = de eerste dag



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